Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Work is for the living

Humans never get contented. When we have something, we tend to ask for more. Just for example, we buy the latest model of mobile phones, but then again, technology improves and the next month, there are newer models of mobile phones presented in the market so that ours become outdated. On our jobs for example, we have been longing to be hired by the companies that we apply for, and then when we get in, we complain of the workload that our superiors give us. To be honest, I myself am guilty of that. I have resigned in the previous companies I was with, because I wanted to have bigger opportunities, bigger money, to be exact. And so, that kind of thinking made me a lazy employee, not doing my work the way it should be done, and making excuses for me not to be able to come to work. In short, I slacked my way out of work. I never did the best in all the things that I was supposed to do.

I read a verse in Ecclesiastes 9:10 of the Old Testament, saying : Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. It gave me a realization, that we have to value our work, our jobs, or whatever we want to call it. It doesn't matter if it is just household chores, schoolwork, or work that we do for the government or big multi-national companies. The verse just tells us that our job or the work that we do is a blessing. It's a blessing because despite how difficult and tiring it may be, it is God's way of giving us an opportunity to live, a chance of showing how intelligent we are, and the way for us to be a blessing to others. We only have limited time here on earth, we might as well enjoy what little time we have left by being happy while working because when the last chapter of our life closes, our knowledge and skills are of no more use.

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